Friday, 17 February 2012



Asya Sree gurugitaa stotra mantrasya |
Bhagavaan saaashiva runniu |
naavidaani chandaamsi |
Sreee Guruparamaatmaa devataa |
ham beejam |
sa: shaakti: |
krom keelakam |
Sree guruprasaadasiddhyarthe paathe viniyoga: ||
|| dhyaanam ||
Hamsabhyam parivrutta patrakamalair divyairjagat kaaranai:
Vishvotkeernam aneka dehanilayai: svacchandam aatmecchayaa |
Taddyotam  padashaaambhavam  tu charanam  deepaankura graahinam
Pratyakshakshara vigraham  gurupadam dhyaayed vibhumm shashvatham ||
Let us meditate on the lotus feet of the Guru Maharaj whose holy feet is the wholesome reason for upliftment of the universe - which is in the form of various living beings in various bodies in varied shapes – which wander at  its own will and pleasure, that Shambhava Padam which sows Gnana bheeja on aspirants in spiritual world and which has otherwise taken the form of every word and form that we see and enjoy with and which remains for ever and ever to be.  

Rushaya oocu: -
Guhyaad guhyadharaa vidyaa gurugeetaa vicetasa: |
broohi na: soota krupayaa shrunu madvat prasaadhaka: ||

The Rishis said: Oh Sootha Maharshi! Be kind enough to tell us the sacred and the most secret of all secrets – “The Guru Geetha” and the knowledge that it imparts on us ;
Sootau uvaacha -
Kailaasa Sikhare ramye bhaktisandhaana naayakam |
pranamya paarvatee bhaktyaa Shankaram  paryaprucchata|| 1||
Once in Sri Kailasa – which is always beautiful and a feast to one’s eyes – Paravathi Devi enquired Sri Mahadeva with all obeisance as under:-
Sree Devyuvaacha: -
Om namo Devadevesha paraatpara jagad guro |
Sadaashiva Mahaadeva Gurudeeksham pradehi me || 2||
Sree Devi said: Hey Jagad Guro!  Mahadeva! Sadhashiva!
Please confer Guru Deekshaam to me!
Kena maargena bho svaamin dehi brahma mayo bhavet |
tvam krupaam kuru me svaamin namaami charanautava || 3||
How and by which way Hey Deva! One who has taken birth becomes a bramma mayan I pray thy lotus feet please bestow thy grace and let me know this.
Eeswara uvaacha -
Mama roopaasi devi tvam tvatpreetyartham vadaamyaham |
lokopakaaraka: prashno na kenaapi kruta: puraa || 4||
You are my other swaroopa Hey devi! I shall tell you the same; which is very much helpful to the Universe as well.

durlabham trishu lokeshu tacchrunushva vadaamyaham |
gurum vinaa brahma naanyat satyam satyam varaanane || 5|
That which is very difficult to be heard in all the three worlds please hear “Nothing in the world is true other than Guru”.

Veda Shastra puraanaani itihaasaadikaani cha |
Mantra yantraadi vidyaashcha smrutir uchchatanaadikam || 6||
Shaiva Shaktha aagamaadeeni anyaani vividhaani cha |
Apabhramsha karaaneeha jeevaanaam bhraanta chetasaam || 7||
Vedas, Shastras, Puranas, Ithihasas, Mantras, Yantras, Smruthi knowledge. Pronouncements etc. Saiva, Shaktha, Agamas and others in large numbers are all mind boggling things for the Jeevas only.
Yagno vratam tapo daanam japas teertham tathaiva cha |
gurutattvam avignaaya modaaste charate janaa: || 8||
Yagas, vratam, tapas, danas, japas, threetharm etc. are done by those who have not understood “Guru Tatvam”.
Gururbuddhyaatmano naanyat satyam satyam na samshaya: |
tallaabhaartham prayatnastu kartavyo hi maneeshibhi: || 9||
One should understand what is in the mind of Gurudeva then no doubt shall arise and one should make attempts to understand the same by all means.
gooda vidyaa jagan maayaa dehey cha agnaanasambhavaa|
 udayo yatprakaashena gurushabdena kathyate || 10||
The most secret knowledge of Maya cannot be understood by those because of their inborn agnaana and can be known only on the birth of the word “Guru” by them.

Sarva papa vishuddhaatmaa Sreeguro: paada sevanaath |
dehee brahma bhavedyasmaat tvatkrupaartham vadaami te || 11||
One becomes a shudaatma i.e.  Totally free from all sins and becomes a Brahman himself only through service to the lotus feet of his Guru.
Gurupaadaambujam smrutvaa jalam shairasi dhaarayet |
sarvateertha avagaahasya sampraapnoti phalam nara : || 12||
By dwelling on the holy feet of his Guru and sprinkling its holy water on his head, he becomes one who is recipient of the fruit of having taken bath in all the holy rivers / theerthams in this universe.
Shoshanam papa pankasya deepanam Gnaana tejasaam |
Guru paadodakam samyak samsaaraarnava taarakam || 13||
The holy water that has washed the Guru’s lotus feet is known as Guru padodakam; his is indeed the virtual gift to wash away our sins, to increase one’s spark of knowledge and helps him to cross over the ocean of birth and death.
Agnaana moolaharanam janma karma nivaaranam |
gnaaanavairaagyasiddhyartham gurupaadodakam pibet || 14||
One must drink Guru padodakam (holy water used to wash one’s Guru’s feet) to drive away agnana totally and to attain nirvana from birth and death cycle and to obtain Gnana and Vairagya siddhis. 
Guro: paadodakam peetvaa guro:ucchishtabhojanam |
gurumoorte: sadaa dhyaanam gurumantram sadaa japet || 15||
One must drink Guru padodakam and eat the leftover of the food eaten by him and delve upon his Swaroopa with his holy name lingering on his lips


kaashi kshetram tannivaaso jaahnavee charanodhakam |
gurur visveshvara: saakhshaath taarakam brahma nischitam || 16||
By living in Kashi Kshetram and drinking the holy water of Ganges and delving upon Brahmam is obtained by one who has realized his Guru Himself is Lord Vishveshwara and his padodakam is veritable Ganges. 
guro: paadodakam yattu gayaa'sau soakshyo vata: |
teertharaaja: prayaagascha gurumoortyai namo nama: || 17||
Guru padodakam itself is Mahavishnu Pada and that is veritable Vatavruksha and threetha raja Prayaga to such a swaroopa of Guru Moorthi let us offer our pranams.
Gurumoortim smaren nityam gurunaama sadaa japet |
guroraagnaam prakurveeta guro: annyanna bhaavayet || 18||
One should always remember the Guru Swaroopa and his name on his lips and charry on his orders and never contemplate other than Gurunatha.
Guruvaktrasthitam brahma praapyate tatprasaadata: |
guror dhyaanam sadaa kuryaat kulastree svapateryathaa || 19||
Brahman who is seated on the mouth of Gurunatha grants all the wishes of the shishya and hence one should delve upon his Gurumorthi always just like a kulastree serving her husband.
svaashamam cha sva jaathim cha sva keertir pushti vardhanam |
etat sarvam parityajya guroranyanna bhaavayet || 20||
One should forget one’s own dwelling place, one’s own jathi, kula, keerthi and health and think none other than Gurumorthi.

Ananyaas chintayanto maam sulabham paramam padam |
tasmaat sarvaprayatnena guro: aaraadhanam kuru || 21||
One chan easily attain me by constant thinking of me; hence one should with all efforts that he chan put on delve on his Guru and serve him.
Trailokye sphuta vaktaaro devaadyasura pannagaa: |
guruvaktrasthitaa vidyaa gurubhaktyaa tu labhyate || 22||
In three worlds no one chan be found as an elate speaker none other than his Guru in whose mouth knowledge is always present and that cannot be otherwise taken. 
Gukaarastvandhakaarascha rukaarasteja uchyate |
agnaanagraasakam brahma gurureva na samshaaya: || 23||
Gu” kara: means andhakaa: “Ru”kaara: means thejas
And one who grasps and take away avidhya of his student is Brahma in the form of Guru and there is no doubt about this.
Gukaara: prathamo varno maayaadigunaabhaasaka: |
rukaaro dviteeyo brahma maayaa bhraanti vinaashanam || 24||
 “Gu” kara is first letter which indichates maya and other gunas; “Ru” kara is next one which indichates Brahma which cleanses bhranthi/ignorance of a seeker.

Evam gurupadam shrestam devaanaamapi durlabham |
haahaa hoohoo gunaischaiva gandharvaischa prapoojyate || 25||
By this way Guru’s feet is always superior and is not attainable by even devas what they can at best do is “haha hoo hoo” the alaphana of Gandharvas.

Dhruvam tesham cha sarveshaam naasti tattvam guro: param | aasanam shayanam vastram bhooshanam vaahanaadhikam || 26||
One can get asana, shayana, vastra,bhooshana etc. but it is certain they should know that there is no greater tatva other than Guru himself.
Saadhakena pradaatavyam guru santosha kaarakam |
guroraaraadhanam kaaryam svajeevitvam nivedayet || 27||
An aspirant should serve his Guru with all his belongings and serve him so as to please him (eternally) forever.
Karmanaa manasaa vaacha nityam aaraadhayed gurum |
deerghadandam namaskrutya nirlajjo gurusannidhau || 28||

One has to pranam to his Gurudeva not only a shastanga namaskara but by word, deed and mind.
Shaareeram indriyam praanam sadgurubhyo nivedayet |
Aatma daaraadikam sarvam sadgurubhyo nivedayet || 29||
Krumikeeta bhasmavishathaa durgandhimalamootrakam |
Shaleshama raktam tvachaa maamsam vanchchayen na varaanane || 30||
One should surrender himself, his family and his self, body, indriyas, prana and everything for the sake of his Guru  and his service as his body is nothing but a sum total of selshma, raktha, tvak, mamsa, durganga samooha. i.e. nothing in our body is so beautiful that needs to be saved for our own selves and everything should be surrender unto him in arapana bhava.

Samaaravrukshamaaroodhaa: patantho narakaarnave |
yena chaivoddhrutaa: sarve tasmai Sree Gurave Nama: || 31||
Gururbrahmaa Gururvishnur Gururdevo Mahesvara: |
Gurureva parabrahma tasmai sreegurave nama: || 32||

Those who fall in the ocean of naraka having gone up in the tree of samsaaraa and who are lifted through his kind hands to that Sree Guru I prostrate upon. He is the Brahma, Vishnu and Maheshwara to such Sree Guru my pranams be ever and ever to be.

Hetave Jagataameva samsaaraarnava setave |
prabhave sarvavidyaanaam Shambhave gurave nama: || 33||
Agnaana timiraandhasya gnaananjana shalaakayaa |
chakshuruneelitam yena tasmai sreegurave nama: || 34||

One who is the source of origin of this Universe, one who is the bridge to cross over this ocean of samsamsaara and one who is provider of knowledge to that Shambu moorthi I prostrate upon?

To those whose eyes remain blind thro’ the darkness of ignorance and one who applies the anjana challed “pure knowledge” and helps them to break even in spiritual path, to that Sree Guru I bow upon.

Tvam pitaa tvam cha me maataa tvam bandhus tvam cha devataa |
samsaara prati bodhaartham tasmai sreegurave nama: || 35||
Yatsatyena jagathsathyam yatprakaashena bhaati tat |
yadaanandena nandanti tasmai sreegurave nama: || 36||

Oh! Gurunatha! You are my father, mother and all relationship, as also my God and one who gives real wakening in this ocean of samsaara, to thy Lotus Feet my pranams remain ever to be.

By whose truth, the truness of Universe rely upon, by whose glee the entire Universe gets light from, by whose bliss entire Universe gets real bliss o thy Lotus feet my pranams remain ever to be.

Yasya sthityaa satyamidam yadbhaati bhaanuroopata: |
priyam putradi yatpreethyaa tasmai sreegurave nama: || 37||
Yena chetayate heedam chittam chetayate na yam |
Jaagrath swapna sushupthyaadi tasmai sreegurave nama: || 38||

By whose trueness the truness of the Universe is glowing, by whose glow the glow of Sun is ever shining, one who by love towards kith and kin is known to one, to such Sree Guru I prostrate upon.

By whose chetana entire Universe remains ever bright and by whose absence darkness of ignorance engulf the Universe in vigil, during sleep and awakening stages; to such Sree Guru I bow upon.

Yasya jnaanaadidam viswam na drushyam bhinnabhedata: |
sadekarooparoopaaya tasmai sreegurave nama: || 39||
Yasyaamatam tasya matam matam yasya na veda sa: |
ananyabhaava bhaavaaya tasmai sreegurave nama: || 40||

By whose grace this Universe is seen by me as in one form only, and one who is glowing in that Universal form, to that Sree Guru I pray upon.
One whose thoughts are none other than the Paramatman Himself and one who is glowing in abhinna bhava with that Paramatman in Human form, to that Sree Guru I prostrate upon.

Yasya kaaranaroopasya kaaryaroopena bhaati yat |
kaaryakaaranaroopaaya tasmai sreegurave nama: || 41||
naanaa roopamidam sarvam na kenaapyasti bhinnata: |
kaaryakaaranataa chaiva tasmai sreegurave nama: || 42||

One whose moola roopa (karana roopa) is glowing in the form of all karya roopas (just like mud taking shape of various things like pot, biksha patra, cooking pan, diya etc but virtually they are all nothing but mud only) to that Sree Guru who is karya as well as Karana roopa I pray upon.

Various roopas of all things in the Universe is seen as one by the Grace of Guru Maharaj to Him I prostrate upon.

Yadanghrikamaladvandvam dwandvataapa nivaarakam |
taarakam sarva aa'padbhya: sree gurum pranamaamyaham || 43||
Shiive kruddhe gurustraataa gurau kruddhe Shiivo na hi |
tasmaat sarvaprayatnena sreegurum Shiaranam vrajet || 44||

The Lotus Feet of Guru Maharaj which cleanses both the taapaas and which is protector from all unforseen happenings, to that Sree Guru I prostrate upon.

If Lord Shiva is angry on us, there is Sree Guru to protect us. If Sree Guru is angry with us who is there to protect us? So one should please his Gurudeva by his words, deeds and by all means.

Vande gurupadadvandvam vaang manas chitta gocharam
Shveta rakta prabhaabhinnam ShiivaShiaktyaatmakam param || 45||

I salute the Lotus Feet of Gurudeva which is beyond comprehensio of one’s limitations of words or that of thought, and which is shining with mixed colours of white & red together reminding one of Lord Shiva and Goddess Parvathi.

Gukaaram cha gunaateetam rukaaram roopavarjitam |
gunaateetasvaroopam cha yo dadyaatsa guru: smruta: || 46||

atrinetra: sarva saakshee achaturbaahuracyuta: |
achaturvadano brahmaa sreeguru: kathita: priye || 47||
Gu” stands for his nature beyond all gunas, “Ru” stands for beauty beyond comprehension and who is beyond comprehension of all gunas and which stature he grants to his disciples, to that Sree Guru I prostrate upon. He is one without “three’ eyes i.e. Lord Shiva, he is omnipresent and one without 4 hands i.e. Lord Vishnu, he is one without 4 heads i.e. Lord Brahma He is known as Guru.

Ayam mayanjalir baddho dayaa saagara vruddhaye |
yadanugrahato jantu: chitra samsaara muktibhaak || 48||
Sreeguro: paramam roopam vivekas chakshusho'mrutam |
mandabhaagyaa na pashiyanti andhaa: sooryodayam yathaa || 49||

I salute Sree Gurudeva who is compassion incoronate for getting salvation from Samsaaraarnava. One should see the swaroopa of Sree Guru with an eye of viveka, which normally one who is blind with darkness does not see just like a blind does not see the sun rise.

Sreenaatha charanadwandvam yasyaam dishii viraajate |
tasyai dishie namaskuryaath bhaktyaa pratidinam priye || 50||

Tasyai dishie satatam anjaliresha aarye
prakshipyate mukharito madhupair budhaischa |
jaagarti yatra Bhagavaan Guruchakravartee
vishivodaya pralayanaataka nityasaakshee || 51||

Every day one should salute to that direction in which his Guru’s lotus feet resides for upliftment. Just like the honeybee smells the fragrance of flowers, one should salute to that direction in which his Guru resides, to him, who is Lord of the Universe, one who is all pervading and ever vigilant for all the great drama of the Universe.

Sreenaathaadi gurutrayam ganapathim peetahatrayam bhairavam
siddhaugham vataukatrayam padayugam dooteekramam mandalam |
veeraandvyashtachatushka shasti navakam veeraavalee panchakam
Sreemanmaalini mantraraaja sahitam vande gurormandalam || 52||

I salute the Gurumandala consisting of groups of three Gurus, Ganapati, peetas, bhairavas, vatukas, doothees, nava veeras, veera panchaks that which is full of mantraraja mince from it.

Abhyastai: sakalai: sudeerghamanilair vyaadhipradairdushkarai:
Praanaayaamashaatair aneka karanair du:khaatmakair durjayai: |
Yasminn abhyudite vinashayati balee vaayu: svayam tatkshaanaath
praaptum tatsahajam svabhaavam anishaam sevadhvam ekam gurum || 53||

All the disease which were incurable and remain ever constant in an aspirant’s body (despite his best efforts to guard his body through exercises and pranayama etc) shall vanish the moment he becomes recipient of the ever flowing grace of Guru just like flow of air cleanses the atmosphere free from dust etc.

Swadeshaikasyaiva shaareera chintanam
Bhaveth anantasya shivasya chintanam |
swadeshaikasyaiva cha naama keertanam
bhaveth anantasya shaivasya keertanam || 54||

By dwelling upon the beautiful body of one’s own Gurudeava it becomes constant remembering of the Lord’s swaroopa and likewise by constant remembrance of Guru’s nama he is considered to have done keertan of Mahadeva Himself.

Yatpaada renukanikaa kaapi samsaara vaaridhe: |
setubandhaayate naatham deshaikam tam upaasmahe || 55||
yasmaath anugraham labdhvaa mahadagnanamutsrujeth |
tasmai Sreedeshaikendraya namascha aabheeshtasiddhaye || 56||

By getting a drop of the sree pada of one’s Guru one is able to cross over the ocean of delusion and by getting his Grace he is devoid of ignorance to such a Gurudeva I bow upon.

Paadaabhjam sarvasamsaara daavaanala vinaashaakam |
brahmarandhre sitaambhoja madhyastam candra mandale || 57||
akathaadi trirekhaabje sahasradalamandale |
hamsapaarshavatrikone cha smarettanmadhyagam gurum || 58||

One should medidate upon the Lotus feet of his Guru which is destroyer of samsara in his Brahma randhra stana seated inside (thousand petelled lotus) chandra mandala in the form of letters from A to Ksha and within the triangle therein.

Sakala bhuvana srushti: kalpitaashaesha pushti:
Nikhila nigama drushti: sampadaam vyarthadrushti: |
Avagunaparimaarshtir tatpadaarthaikadrushti:
bhava gunaparameshti:mokshamaargaika drushti: || 59||

Gurudeva is one who is creater of all the worlds, one who grants all the wishes of his pupils, one who is having his eye upon shastras and has least interest in accumulation of wealth and is beyond any bad qualities, whose mind is always in tath pada – who is beyond comprehension of all qualities having aim to grant moksha dana to everyone in this world.

Sakala bhuvana ranga sthaapanaa stambhayashti:
Sakarunarasavrushtis tattvamaalaasamashti: |
Sakalasamayasrushti: saccidaananda drushti:
nivasatu mayi nityam Sreeguror divyadrushti: || 60||

One who has capacity to play in the Universe, stop all its activities by his will, one who is embodiment of love and compassion, having his eye upon tatvas in toto, one who is creater of all samayachaaras with single folded attention in sat chit ananda that Guru’s compassionate grace be with me always.

Agnishuddha samam taata jwaalaa parichakaadhiyaa |
mantraraajamimam manye aharnishaam paatu mrutyuta: || 61||
Tadejati tannaijati taddoore tatsameepake |
tadantarasya sarvasya tadu sarvasya bhaahyata: || 62||

Just like fire cleansing datus, this king of mantras should -when revered – protect one from all fears. This itself shall grant all our wishes.

Ajo amajaroham cha anaadi nidhana: swayam |
avikaarashachidaananda aneeyaan mahato mahaan || 63||
Apoorvaanaam param nityam svayamjyotir niraamayam |
virajam paramaakaashaam dhruvamaanandamavyayam || 64||
shruti: pratyaksham aitihyam anumaanas chatushtaayam |
yasya caatmatapo veda deshaikam cha sadaa smaret || 65||

One should always remamber his Gurudesika by whose grance one’s own swaroopa is made known to him and he becomes one with himself and realizes that he is Ananda swaroopa by his grace.

Manuscha yadbhavam kaaryam tadvadaami mahaamate |
saadhutvam cha mayaa drushtvaa tvayi tishtathi saampratam || 66||
akhanda mandalaakaaram vyaaptam yena charaacharam |
tatpadam darshaitam yena tasmai Sreegurave nama: || 67||

Please note it is only because of Sree Guru that goodness dwels everywhere. He is everywhere and he is pervading entire universe that Paramatman who is in Guru Form I salute him.

Sarvashruti shiroratna viraajitapadaambuja: |
Vedaantaambujha sooryo yastasmai Sreegurave nama: || 68||
Yasya smaranamaatrena gnaanamutpadyate svayam |
ya eva sarva sampraaptis tasmai Sreegurave nama: || 69||

One whose holy feet is always on the top of entire srutees and one who makes the lotus of vedanta to bloom in aspirant’s heart to that Sreeguru I salute. By just remembering Him, knowledge dawns on the aspirant and he comes to know that he is supposed to reach his feet as his lifetime al. 

Chaitanyam shaaashavatam shaaantam vyomaateetam niranjanam |
Naada bindu kalaateetam tasmai Sreegurave nama: || 70||
Sthaavaram jangamam chaiva tathaa chaiva charaacaram |
vyaaptam yena jagath sarvam tasmai Sreegurave nama: || 71||

I salute upon the Sree Guru who is beyond comprehension and an embodiment of Chaitanya- an embodiment of peace, ever pervading, without any attachments and has crossed over tatvas of nada,bindu, kala himself. One who is ever pervading in all forms of jungle, trees in all the worlds to that Sree Guru I salute.

Gnanashaaktisamaarooda: tattvamaalaa vibhooshita: |
Bhukti mukti pradaataa yas tasmai shree gurave nama: || 72||
Aneka janma sampraapta sarvakarma vidaahine |
Svaatma gnanaprabhaavena tasmai sreegurave nama: || 73||

I salute thee Oh! Gurudeva! You are an embodiment of knowledge supreme and are wearing Tatvas as garlend, one who is giver of Bukthi and Mukthi to jeevas.

I salute Gurudeva who burns out all the karmas or past deeds of a shishya which has been accumulated over a few births through his gnana, the fire of knowledge, and grants Mukthi to aspirants.

Na guroradhikam tattvam na guroradhikam tapa: |
tattvam gnanaatparam naasti tasmai sreegurave nama: || 74||
Mannaatha: sreejagannaatho madguru sreejagadguru: |
mamaatmaa sarvabhootaatmaa tasmai sreegurave nama: || 75||

There is no greater tatva than Gurudeva, nor a penance greater than him, there is no tatva which is greater than that of supreme knowledge to that form of knowledge i.e. Gurudeva, I salute.

Dhyaanamoolam gurormoorti: poojaamoolam guro: padam |
mantramoolam gurorvaakyam mokshaamoolam guro: krupaa || 76||
Gurur aadir anaadishaca guru: parama daivatam |
guro: parataram naasti tasmai sreegurave nama: || 77||

The base of one’s meditation is that of one’s Guru’s swaroopa, and that of his Pooja is to the Lotus feet of Gurudeva, the words of Gurunatha is considered as Mahamantra and to attain Moksha Guru’s grace is the only way open to an aspirant.

Saptasaagaraparyanta teerthasnaanaadikam phalam |
Guro ranghri payo bindu sahasraamshae na durlabham || 78||
Harau rushate gurustraataa gurau rushate na kashacana |
tasmaath sarvaprayatnena sreegurum sharanam vrajet || 79||

Taking a dip in all the holy waters inside the 7 oceans is not even one thousandth of taking a drop of one’s Guru padodakam which is rarer to achieve.

Gurureva jagath sarvam Brahmavishnushaivaatmakam |
Guro: parataram naasti tasmaat sampoojayed gurum || 80||
Gnaanam vignaana sahitam labhyate gurubhaktita: |
Guro: parataram naasti dhyeyo'sau gurumaargibhi: || 81||

Master is one and sundry for an aspirant, who is considered the compound form of all the thrimoorthis and none, is greater than his Guru for all purposes.

To those who are devoted to his Guru, knowledge with discrimination is attained as none is greater than his Guru; hence one should worship his Guru.

Yasmaatparataram naasti neti neteeti vai shruti: |
manasaa vacasaa caiva nityamaaraadhayedgurum || 82||
Guro: krupaa prasaadena brahmavishnusadaashivaa: |
samarthaa: prabhavaadau cha kevalam gurusevayaa || 83||

The srutees say there is nothing greater than the one and only Guru, who should be worshiped with oneness of manas and vak every day.
The holy trine are pleased by the sewa done to Gurudeva as he becomes efficient by his grace.

Devakinnaragandharvaa: pitaro yakshaacharana: |
Munayo api na jaananthi gurushushrrooshane vidhim || 84||
Mahaahankaaragarvena tapovidyaabalaanvitaa: |
samsaarakuharaavarte ghatayantre yathaa ghataa: || 85||

None of the devas, kinnaras, gandarvas, pitru devas, yakshas, charanaas, rishis etc donot know the way to worship a Gurudeva.Those who are full of self-praise and proud of one’s own self because of their tapas, vidhya, power etc. becomes the ones like that of the pot in the maker’s wheel and gets

entangled in the potter’s making wheel i.e. always wandering in quest.

Na muktaa deva gandharvaa: pitaro yakshaa kinnaraa: |
rushaaya: sarvasiddhaashacha gurusevaa paraanmukhaa: || 86||
Dhyaanam shrnu Mahaadevi sarvaananda pradaayakam |
sarvasaukhyakaram nithyam bhuktimukti vidhaayakam || 87||

None of the devas, kinnaras, gandarvas, pitru devas, yakshas, charanaas, rishis etc donot pay attention to the ways of worshipping a Gurudeva.
Oh Devi! Please hear the way of meditation which gives immense pleasure and provider of all comforts always and grants bukthi and mukthi to an aspirant.

Sreematparabrahma gurum smaraami
Sreematparabrahma gurum vadaami |
Sreematparabrahma gurum namaami
Sreematparabrahma gurum bhajaami || 88||

That is, to remember the supreme Gurudeva always, remember his name constantly on your lips, always remain prostrated to him and do worship of Gurudeva forever.

Brahmaanandam parama sukhadam kevalam gnaana moortim
dwandvaateetam gagana sadrushaam tattvamasyaadi lakshayam |
ekam nithyam vimalam achalam sarvadhee saakshaibhootam
bhaavaateetam triguna rahitam sadgurum tam namaami || 89||
nityam shuddham niraabhaasam niraakaaram niranjanam |
nityabodham chidaanandam gurum brahma namaamyaham || 90||

Gurudeva is one who is an embodiment of limitless bliss, provider of comforts, form of knowledge, beyond dualities, remains silent like space, his thoughts rapt in swaroopananda, pure and bliss taken the form of Gurudeva as one who is beyond comprehension, beyond three gunas of satva, rajas and tamas, to Him I salute.

One who remains ever pure, without any desires or entanglements, who is formless, without any attachments, one who is ready to impart knowledge to the seeker, one who is chit himself to that Guru I salute upon.

Hrudambhuje karnika madya samsthithe
simhasane samsthitha divya moorthim |
Dhyayetgurum chandra kala prakasham
chitpustakabheeshta varam dadhanam ||91||

One must meditate on Gurudeva who is seated inside one’s heart, who dwells in the holy seat Lotus beaming with chandra kala with the book of chit in his hand.

shvetaambaraam shvetavilepapushpaam
muktaavibhshshaam muditaam dvinetram |
mandasmitaam saandrakrupaanidhaanam || 92||

One should meditate upon Gurudeva who is wearing pure white cloth, white flowers, pearl mala, always smiling with his two eyes, with his divya shakthi seated by his side, smiling as ever and full of compassion.

Aanandamaanandakaraam prasannaam
gnaaanasvarshpaam nijabodhayuktam |
yogeendrameedyaam bhavarogavaidyaam
shreemadguruam nityamahaam namaami || 93||

One should meditate upon Gurudeva who is embodiment of bliss, purity, happiness, knowledge, always ever interested in teaching his pupils, one who is worshipped by Yogis, one who is the Doctor to cure the disease of Bhavaarnava to that Guru I salute daily.

Yasminsrushtaisthitidhvaamsanigrahaanugrahaatmakam |
krutyaam pancavidhaam shashvadbhaasate taam namaamyaham || 94||
praata: shirasi shuklaabje dvinetraam dvibhujaam gurum |
varaabhayayutaam shaantaam smarettaam naamapshrvakam || 95||

Na guroradhikaam na guroradhikaam
na guroradhikaam na guroradhikam |
shivashaasanata: shivashaasanata:
shivashaasanata: shivashaasanata: || 96||

There is no greater blessing than obeying the orders of Guru says Lord Mahadeva.

Idameva shivaam tvidameva shivaam
tvidameva shivaam tvidameva shivam |
mama shaasanato mama shaasanato
mama shaasanato mama shaasanata: || 97||

This is supreme, this is supreme and this is my order, this is my order says Sadashiva.

Evaam vidhaam guruam dhyaatvaa gnaaanam utpadyate swayam |
Tatsadguru prasaadena mukto ahamiti bhaavayet || 98||
Gurudarshitamaargena mana:shuddhiam tu kaarayeth |
anityaam khandayet sarvaam yatkincid aatmagocharam || 99||
One should think of his Guru in this way, by meditating upon his Guru this way, knowledge blossom on its own; after which one should contemplate himself as Jeevanmuktha.

Gnaeyaam sarvasvarshpaam cha gnaaanaam cfa mana uchyate |
gnaaanaam gnaeyasamaam kuryaan naanya: panthaa dviteeyaka: || 100||
evaam shrutvaa mahaadevi guru nindaaam karothi ya: |
sa yaathi narakaam ghoraam yaavacchandra divaakarau || 101||

Seeing God universally and bliss in ownself, one should enjoy adwaita bhava and this way is uncomparable. If one condemns his Guru he enters hell and remains there for ever.

Yaavat kalpaantako dehas taavadeva guruam smareth |
gurulopo na kartavya: svacchando yadi vaa bhavet || 102||
hunkaarena na vaktavyaam praagnaai: shishyai: kathancana |
guroragre na vaktavyamasatyaam ca kadaacana || 103||

One should contemplate on Guru’s rupa till his last breath, though he becomes a liberated one. One should not get agitated in the holy pesence of his Guru and should never lie before him.

Guruam tvamkrutya hunkrutya guruam nirjitya vaadata: |
aranye nirjale deshe sa bhaved brahma raakshasa: || 104||
munibhi: pannagairvaa api surairvaa shaapito yadi |
kaalamrutyu bhayaad vaapi gursh rakshati paarvati || 105||

If one calls his Guru irreverantly or abuses him or wins over him in any battle of wisdom, he becomes a Bramma rakshas i.e. a ghost living in a forest without water or food for ever. If he has been cursed by Rishis, serpants or devas or anybodyelse like Yama, he becomes blessed by the ever flowing grace and protection of Gurudeva.

Ashaktaa hi suraadyaascha ashaktaa munayas tathaa |
gurushaapena te sheegram kshayaam yaanti na saamshaya: || 106||
mantraraajamidaam devi gururityaksharadwayam |
smrutivedaarthavaakyena guru: saakshaatparaam padam || 107||

Even devas, rishis become powerless if they are receipt of Guru’s curse and gets defeated. “Guru” is a two lettered word, which is great mantra with immortality / potency which can lift one to high elevation beyond comprehension of human mind.

Shrutismrutee avignaaaya kevalaam gurusevakaa: |
te vai sannyaasina: proktaa itare veshadhaarina: || 108||
Nityaam brahma niraakaaraam nirgunaam bodhayet param |
sarvaam brahma niraabhaasaam deepo deepaantaraam yathaa || 109||

Even if one does not have knowledge in sruthis, smiritis etc. but he is an ardent servant of his Guru it is enough to fetch him highest results and leads him to dvelve upon nirakara brahman on his own.

guro: krupaaprasaadena aatmaaraamaam nireekshayet |
anena gurumaargena svaatmagnaaanaam pravartate || 110||

Aabrahma stambaparyantaam paramaatmasvarshpakam |
sthaavaraam jaìgamaam caiva pranamaami jaganmayam || 111||
Vande ahaam saccidaanandaam bhedaateetaam sadaa gurum |
nityaam pshrnaam niraakaaraam nirgunaam svaatmasaamsthitam || 112||

I salute the Gurudeva who has taught me to pray the universal god. the God who is seen in everything we see with our naked eyes in this universe and one who is beyond duality, who is poorna and one who is steadfast in his own self.

Paraatparataraam dhyeyaam nityam aanandakaarakam |
Hrudayaakaasha madhyasthaam shuddhasphataika sannibham || 113||
Sphataika pratimaarupam drushyate darpane yathaa |
tathaatmani cidaakaaram aanandaam soahamityuta || 114||

One should medidate upon the Paramatma swaroopa which is beyond the unreachable of all but is remaining evershing jewel at the heart of one’s own self like that of a pure spatika. It shines like a pure spatika as can be seen in a mirror likewise chid akaara bliss can be seen in one’s own self by Guru’s grace.

Angushtahamaatra purushaam dhyaayatas chinmayaam hrudi |
tatra sphurati bhaavo ya: shrunu taam kathayaamyaham || 115||
agocharaam tathaa agamyaam naamaoopa vivarjitam |
ni:shabdaam tadvijaaneeyaath swabhaavaam brahma paarvati || 116||

He is only of the size of one’s own right finger, as is seen in his heart’s place wherefrom bhava takes birth; listen to this calmly as he is without any form or name except he is codified as Brahmam.

Yathaa gandha: swabhaavena karpoora kusumaadishu |
sheetoshnaadi swabhaavena tathaa brahma cha shaashvatam || 117||
swayaam tathaavidho bootvaa sthaatavyaam yatrakutrachith |
keetaabhramaravat tatra dhyaanaam bhavati taadrusham || 118||

Just like the smell of suganda is fragrant from that of karpoor or flowers one its own self by its nature, likewise thro’ the feeling of cold or sweat brahma can be felt always. It should be
meditated upon with one pointedness as that of a keetaka kept by a brahmara.
Gurudhyaanaam tathaa krutvaa svayaam brahmamayo bhavet |
pinde pade tathaa rshpe mukto'sau naatra saamshaya: || 119||

By doing meditation upon his Guru, disciple becomes brahman himself and becomes liberated in due course of time.
shree paarvatyuvaaca -
pindaam kim tu mahaadeva padaam kim samudaahrutam |
roopaatheetam cha roopaam kim etadaakhyaahi shankara || 120||

What is pinda, pada which is beyond form which please tell me Oh Mahadeva, Parvati requested.

Sree Mahaadeva uvaaca -
Pindam kundalineesakti: padam hamsamudaahrutam |
roopam binduriti gneyam roopaateetam niranjanam || 121||
pinde muktaa pade muktaa roope muktaa varaanane |
roopaateete tu ye muktaaste muktaa naatra samsreeaya: || 122||

Kundalinishakthi is the pindam, hamsam is known as padam, roopam is the bindhu and Guru is formless which should be noted. Unless one is free from these entirely he is not known as Jeevan muktha.

Swayam sarvamayo bhootvaa param tattvam vilokayet |
paraatparataram naanyat sarvametanniraalayam || 123||
tasyaavalokanam praapya sarvasaìgavivarjita: |
ekaakee ni:spruha: sreeaantastishtahaasettatprasaadata: || 124||

One should become formless and become one with universal self and then see it then only he would have advaitha anuboothi beyond comprehension of one’s mental power. With that nireekshan – seeing power – having discarded all his bondages one should become aloof without any desires, to such a magnanimous personality peace becomes a bliss to enjoy with.

Labdham vaa atha na labdham vaa swalpam vaa bahulam tathaa |
nishkaamenaiva bhoktavyam sadaa santushtaacetasaa || 125||
sarvagnapadamityaahurdehee sarvamayo budhaa: |
sadaananda: sadaa sreeaanto ramate yatrakutracit || 126||

One should not rejoice over food that he eats and should be happy with whatever comes in his way, whether it is tasty or not and eat it with satisfaction. He becomes a Sarvagna in this very bodily bondage and starts enjoying bliss at ever breath of this life, remains blissfull, mental poise at every second he lives here.
Yatraiva tishtahate so api sa desha: punya bhaajanam |
muktasya lakshanam devi tavaagre kathitam mayaa || 127||
upadesreeas tathaa devi gurumaargena muktida: |
gurubhaktis tathaa dhyaanam sakalam tava keertitam || 128||

Such a great soul where he resides, that nation is fortified. I have taught you the way of liberation thro’ Guru’s path, as also how to meditate on him to your satisfaction.

Anena yadbhavet kaaryam tadvadaami mahaamate |
lokopakaarakam devi laukikam tu na bhaavayet || 129||
laukikaatkarmano yaanti gnaanaheenaa bhavaarnavam |
gnaanee tu bhaavayet sarvam karma nishkarma yatkrutam || 130||

By this way if one leads his life, all his works would be beneficial to his nation, beneficial acts with detachment, which those without knowledge cannot understand. A Gnani of this kind does these with niskama bhavana – without any attachment whatsoever for the betterment of the world he lives in.

Idam tu bhaktibhaavena patahate sreerunute yadi |
likhitvaa tatpradaatavyam tatsarvam saphalam bhavet || 131||
gurugeetaatmakam devi sreeuddhatattvam mayoditam |
bhavavyaadhivinaasreeaartham svayameva japetsadaa || 132||
One who reads this with devotion, hears it or writes this and gives this to others, it fetches him all the benefits he needs. This Gurugeetha – knowledge of this Gurugeetha – as entold by me is the real penecia for these worldly attachments and hence one should recide this often with devotion.

Gurugeetaaksharaikam tu mantraraajamimam japet |
anye ca vividhaa mantraa: kalaam naarhanti shodasreeeem || 133||
anantaphalamaapnoti gurugeetaajapena tu |
sarvapaapaprasreeamanam sarvadaaridryanaasreeanam || 134||

Even one letter of this great maha mantra is very powerful and no other mantra can be equal to 1/16 th of this maha manra. Untold benefits will come in the way of the aspirant who reads this, by papa kshaya and vanishing of poverty etc.

kaalamrutyubhayaharam sarvasaìkataanaasreeanam |
yaksharaakshasabhootaanaam coravyaaghrabhayaapaham || 135||
mahaavyaadhiharam sarvam vibhootisiddhidam bhavet |
athavaa mohanam vasreeyam svayameva japetsadaa || 136||

This will drive away akala mrutyu, ward off hurdles on his way, and evils spread by yakshas, rakshasas, thiefs etc. will go way. Even great diseases vanish away and fetch great qualities and siddis alike.

vastraasane ca daaridryam paashaane rogasambhava: |
modinyaam du:khamaapnoti kaashtahe bhavati nishphalam || 137||
krushnaajine gnaanasiddhirmokshasreeree vyaaghracarmani |
kusreeaasane gnaanasiddhi: sarvasiddhistu kambale || 138||

One should not sit on an asana made of cloth or stone or sit on floor to do japa of this Guru Geetha but should sit on deer skin asna or tiger’s skin asna or darbhasanaor wool asna for attaining sarva siddis.

kusreeairvaa doorvayaa devi aasane sreeubhrakambale |
upavisreeya tato devi japedekaagramaanasa: || 139||
dhyeyam sreeuklam ca sreeaantyartham vasreeye raktaasanam priye |
abhicaare krushnavarnam peetavarnam dhanaagame || 140||

Darbhasana, doorva asana, white silk cloth asna should be used for doing japa of this Geetha. One should meditate sitting on white or red silk asna and for abhichara other colored asnas should be used.

Uttare sreeaantikaamastu vasreeye poorvamukho japet |
dakshine maaranam proktam pasreecime ca dhanaagama: || 141||
mohanam sarvabhootaanaam bandhamokshakaram bhavet |
devaraajapriyakaram sarvalokavasreeam bhavet || 142||

By facing north mental peace is obtained, by facing east one gets sarva vaseekarana, by facing south one gets marana sakthi and by facing west wealth is obtained. Also vasya, mohana, banda and moksha of jeevas are also obtained, besides sarva loka vasya.

Sarveshaam stambhanakaram gunaanaam ca vivardhanam |
dushkarmanaasreeanam caiva sukarmasiddhidam bhavet || 143||
asiddham saadhayetkaaryam navagrahabhayaapaham |
du:svapnanaasreeanam caiva susvapnaphaladaayakam || 144||

One can do stambhana, increase his good qualities, ward off evils and invite good sings in his way. Graha dosha vanishes, as also dusswapna and one gets good omens always.

Sarvasreeaantikaram nityam tathaa vandhyaasuputradam |
avaidhavyakaram streenaam saubhaagyadaayakam sadaa || 145||
aayuraarogyamaisreevaryaputrapautrapravardhanam |
akaamata: stree vidhavaa japaanmokshamavaapnuyaat || 146||

One gets mental peace and poise always, as also good off springs, long life and sowmanglya to ladies always in his life. Lengthy life without diseas, good off springs and their marriages etc gets done; even those without husbands (vidavas) get moksha by reading this.

Avaidhavyam sakaamaa tu labhate caanyajanmani |
sarvadu:khabhayam vighnam naasreeayecchaapahaarakam || 147||
sarvabaadhaaprasreeamanam dharmaarthakaamamokshadam |
yam yam cintayate kaamam tam tam praapnoti nisreecitam || 148||

One does not become a widow in any birth and all his/her anguish gets vanished, all hurdles are won over and all impediments are crossed by the sadaka, as also the 4 purusharthaas. Virtually anything that is wanted shall be done definitely by reading this Guru geetha.

kaamitasya kaamadhenu: kalpanaakalpapaadapa: |
cintaamanisreecintitasya sarvamaìgalakaarakam || 149||
mokshaheturjapennityam mokshasreeriyamavaapnuyaat |
bhogakaamo japedyo vai tasya kaamaphalapradam || 150||

Guru geetha is the Kamadhenu of those who approach it and also that of Kalpaka Vruksha in granting boons and acts like Chintamani to those who think of it and is the provider of all that are good ones. One who needs moksha should read this always, thos who need bhoga should do japa of this which is provider of everything in this Universe.

japecchaaktashascha saurasracha ganapatyashcha vaishnava: |
shaivascha siddhidam devi satyam satyam na samsraya: || 151||
atha kaamyajape sthaanam kathayaami varaanane |
saagare vaa saritteere'thavaa hariharaalaye || 152||

On should do japa of this whether he is a Shaktha, Soura upasaka, Ganapathi upasaka, vaishnava, shaiva this gives him siddhis needed. One who requires kamya prayoga he should do this in certain places like sagara, nadhi theera or at hari or hara temples.

Shaktidevaalaye goshtae sarvad evaalaye shubhe |
vatae cha dhaatreemoole vaa matae vrundaavane tathaa || 153||
pavitre nirmale sthaane nityaanushtahaanato'pi vaa |
nirvedanena maunena japametam samaacareth || 154||

He should sit in a Shakti Mandir, the place where cows are tied up, or other temples of clan, under Vata tree or in a pavithra sthan he should do japa of this Geetha after finishing his daily routine, observing total stillness.

shmashane bhayabhoomau tu vataamoolaantike tathaa |
siddhyanti dhauttare moole chootavrukshasya sannidhau || 155||
guruputro varam moorkhastasya siddhyanti naanyathaa |
shubhakarmaani sarvaani deekshaavratatapaamsi cha || 156||

One should sit in Smahashana bhoomi, under vata or choota tree or facing north in a clean place he attains siddhis. Unless the Guruputra is arragant he attains siddhis by doing this not otherwise.

Samsaara malan naashaartham bhavapaasha nivruttaye |
gurugeetaambhasi snaanam tattvagna: kurute sadaa || 157||
sa eva ca guru: saakshaat sadaa sadbrahmavittama: |
tasya sthaanaani sarvaani pavitraani na samsreeaya: || 158||

One should take bath in the ocean called Gurugeetha and get rid of this samsara, for he becomes a Guru of par excellence and his place becomes pure as ever.

Sarva shuddha: pavitro asau svabhaavaadyatra tishtahati |
tatra devaganaa: sarve kshetre peetahe vasanti hi || 159||
aasanastha: shaayaano vaa gacchan stishtahan vadannapi |
asreevaaroodho gajaaroodha: supto vaa jaagruto'pi vaa || 160||
shuchishmaamamscha sadaa gnaanee gurugeetaajapena tu |
tasya darsreeanamaatrena punarjanma na vidyate || 161||

One who is ever pure, seated in a pure asana or stands wherever he is, at that place all devas come in groups and starts residing with him. Whether he is seated or sleeping state or in walking state or talking with somebody or riding a harse or an elephant, whether he is sleeping or in waking state one who is pure bodily and mentally he becomes an exponent of par excellance by reading Gurugeetha always and by his very sight one gets no more births.

Samudre cha yathaa toyam ksheere ksheeram ghrute ghrutam |
bhinne kumbhe yathaakaashaas tathaatmaa paramaatmani || 162||
tathaiva gnaanee jeevaatmaa paramaatmani leeyate |
aikyena ramate gnaanee yatra tatra divaanisreeam || 163||

As pure water is present in Ocean, milk in milk, ghee in ghee, akasha present in every pot despite being broken similarly Paramatma is present in every jeevatma. Gnani is one who knows this and gets mixed with Him and enjoys His company every second he lives here.

Evamvidho mahaamukta: sarvadaa vartate budha: |
tasya sarvaprayatnena bhaavabhaktim karoti ya: || 164||
sarvasandeha rahito mukto bhavati paarvati |
bhuktimuktidvayam tasya jihvaagre cha sarasvatee || 165||

In this way the gnanai becomes a liberated soul always and such renowned souls should be served with poojya bhava by doing which one becomes himself liberated and Goddess Saraswathi resides in his tounge.

Anena praanina: sarve gurugeetaa japena tu |
sarvasiddhim praapnuvanthi bhuktim muktim na samshaya: || 166||
satyam satyam puna: satyam dharmyam saaìkhyam mayoditam |
gurugeetaas amam naasti satyam satyam varaanane || 167||

By doing this and reading Gurugeetha, doing recitation repeatedly, all siddhis becomes the property of the aspirant, bukthi here and mukthi after this bith is assured for him., which can be repeatedly vouchsafed to the aspirant as nothing can be said equal to Gurugeetha.

Eko deva ekadharma ekanishtahaa param tapa: |
guro: parataram naanyannaasti tattvam guro: param || 168||
Maataa dhanyaa pitaa dhanyo dhanyo vamsha: kulam tathaa |
dhanyaa ca vasudhaa devi gurubhakti: sudurlabhaa || 169||

There is only one God i.e. Guru, no greater principle other than Him to such an aspirant who follows this golden principle, his parents, his motherland, his descendents everything becomes sanctified.

Shareeram indriyam praanaascha aartha: svajana baandhavaa: |
maataa pitaa kulam devi gurureva na samsreeaya: || 170||
aakalpa janmanaa kotayaa japa vrata tapa:kriyaa: |
tatsarvam saphalam devi gurusantoshamaatrata: || 171||

The body, indriyas, prana, his ideals, his kith & kin, parents, his vamsha everything is Guru Himself to a real aspirant. Eversince birth whatever pooja, tapas, japa etc. done by the aspirant becomes fruitful the very moment his Guru is really pleased with his student.

Vidyaa tapo balenaiva manda bhaagyaascha ye naraa: |
gurusevaam na kurvanti satyam satyam varaanane || 172||
brahma vishnu maheshascha deva rshi pitru kinnaraa: |
siddha chaarana yakshaascha anye'pi munayo janaa: || 173||
gurubhaava: param theertham anya theertham nirarthakam |
sarva theertha asrayam devi paadaaìgushtaham cha vartate || 174||

One’s education, penance, proves becomes powerless unless he does Guru Seva. Brahma, Vishnu, Rudra, devas, rishis, kinnaraas, siddhas, charanaas, other saints, does not help him out unless he does Guru Seva. The contemplation of Guru as most powerful is considered the holy theertha and none else is theertha, as every holy water springs reside on the right index finger of his holy feet.

Japena jayam aapnoti cha anantaphalam aapnuyaath |
Heena karma tyajan sarvam sthaanaani cha adhamaani cha || 175||
japam heenaasanam kurvan heena karma phalapradam |
gurugeetaam prayaane vaa saìgraame ripusaìkatae || 176||
japan jayam avaapnoti marane mukthi daayakam |
sarvakarma cha sarvatra guruputrasya siddhyati || 177||

One gets success by doing recitation of Gurugeetha if only he dis-associate himself from misdeeds and seated properly in a pure place, in a pure asana, with dhyana bhava; this will help him win over his enemies, gets him liberation at dehavasana time.

Idam rahasyam no vaachyam tavaagre kathitam mayaa |
sugopyam ca prayatnena mama tvam cha priyaa tviti || 178||
svaami mukhya ganeshaadi vishnvaadheenaam cha paarvati |
manasaapi na vaktavyam satyam satyam vadaamyaham || 179||
ateeva pakva chittaaya shraddhaa bhakti yutaaya cha |
pravaktavyam idam devi mamaatmaa'si sadaa priye || 180||

This is the top-most secret which should not be revealed to unqualified persons andshould be kept as a secret for ever. I gave this to you Oh! Devi! As you are my dearmost; hence do not gell to anyone even to tri-moorthis, should be guarded safely.

Abhakte vanchake dhoorte paakhande naastike nare |
manasaapi na vaktavyaa gurugeetaa kadaacana || 181||
samsaara saagara samuddharanaika mantram
brahmaadi deva muni poojita siddha mantram ||
daaridrya du:kha bhavaroga vinaasha mantram
vande mahaa bhayaharam gururaaja mantram || 182||

This should not be told at any cost to those who are not devotees, who are not good in character, one who is a disbelieaver. This is the very potential mantra for crossing over ocean of samsara, which is worshipped by bramaa & other devas, which alleviate poverty of the worshipper of this mantra - to such a powerful maha mantra which wards off fear of everyone – I salute Gururaja mantram.

Thus ends Gurugeetha which is entold in Sree Skanda Maha Purana’s Uttarakhanda by way of dialogues between Lord Mahadeva and Goddess Parvathi devi.

|| iti sreereeskandapuraane uttarakhande eesreevarapaarvateesamvaade
gurugeetaa samaaptaa ||
|| sreeree gurudeva caranaarpanamastu ||